We Need To Escape The Left-Right Paradigm [because it's clearly divide and conquer] [spewing nonsensical BS at 4:00am]

 I Fucking HATE The Left-Right Paradigm

    So one of the things I do in my free time (that is totally unhealthy for me - and I perhaps should stop doing so I can preserve whatever mental sanity I have left) is to watch what is known as Breadtube.

    I have this theory that if you hooked someone's brain up to one of those machines that has wires coming out of it - and scientists can peak directly into your brain - sort of like a lie detector test - and judge what makes you feel either 1.happy or 2.stressed. 

I always wonder what would happen if they yanked some asshole off the street - and asked him - are you into politics? and if he says no - hook him up to the machine. Then - what you would do - is proceed to show him videos of right wing political commentators - and then left wing. The scientists could look at the screen and observe (and take note) of whether his brain get stressed when looking at either 1. The Left or 2. The right.

    Also.. I'm pretty sure that if that test was done on me if I was shown right wing content my brain would probably be less stressed. Not because I identify as a republican, conservative, or right winger - but because it seems like the people that are called "right wing" these days are just normal sane people who use logic and still have cognitive abilities. I hate using words like "the left" but whatever you can call "the left" these days has absolutely gone off the plot and lost its mind. None of it makes sense anymore. We have, as a society, swung so far left - that classic liberals are now being called right wing fascists. 

    For example: If you think that it may not be a good idea to let your 6 year old son decide that he wants to be a girl for the rest of his life - then you could easily be called a right-wing fascist nazi these days. And.. I honestly think most people would agree with that. Children are fucking stupid. They don't know how to think - they barely know how to tie their shoes - and when they eat stuff like pizza they leave the red sauce on the corner of their mouths for sometimes upwards to hours. 

It's undeniable - children are stupid and can't make their own decisions. 

But here's the thing - does that opinion make me right wing? I thought not. I - admittedly - am extremely libertarian - which sometimes is considered a cop out. I don't believe this country should conserve anything other than our constitutional rights and liberties - we can keep the liberal mindset that has enveloped most of our nation (that's A-ok with me) 

Because all a liberal is is someone who wants to 1. maximize individual rights and liberties 2. focus on individualism and 3. do its best to help with social inequality and shit like that.

I get sick of people insulting liberals because liberals - to me at least - seem like the ideal ideology - and is fitting in our current world. But the left right paradigm has to go - because it is on "breadtube" that I find the most mindless tribalism. Most of these idiot streamers don't necessarily believe in anything. They just hate their "perceived enemy" - and don't get me wrong: the same goes for the right.

I'm so fucking sick of people thinking they're on a "team" and think they're actively fighting against the other side by doing this fictional bullshit called "voting" that they think is real and actually does shit to change the world. The president - from here on out - will be nothing other than a fucking puppet. 

And it seems like each president keeps getting worse. And I have a theory that its just a method of gaslighting the public. Like "hey.. look at this retard we put in charge? how retarded is this idiot?" 

Trump - as much as I sometimes found the dude entertaining - and made some good points - was - lets face it: a buffoon. 

Joe biden? The guy clearly has dementia and sniffs little kids. There's a video of him pinching what looks like an 8 year old's nipple. The fact that the dude felt comfortable enough to - in front of a room full of people and parents - pinch a little girls nipple - exposes a lot about the political underworld that's destroying this country. 

Thus far - the left right paradigm has seemed to only give people the illusion that there is meaning in their life - and makes them feel a part of something. I hate all of them. 

And here's another thing - Why is it left vs. right? can't it be something else? I understand the general gist of it: conservatives want to conserve what they imagine made the country great. Progressives want to make social progress and advocate for shit like gay marriage and wearing a dress as a man while you take peoples orders at Starbucks.

But why? Why that system specifically? I... seriously don't get it. 

Why can't it be something like - and only for example - anarcho-primitivists vs. technological democrats. Why does it have to be democrat vs republican? I'm tired and haven't slept in 2 days so I'm having a hard time coming up with an example for this. 

But why does one side have to give a shit about traditional American/family values - and the other wants to abolish the nuclear family? the point I'm trying to make is - can't there be a plethora of other things people can identify as? why does it have to be just THAT?

I was watching a video the other day and some girl said "I'm full democrat" and when I was talking to my brother in law once he said "I'm a registered republican" and I just rolled my eyes. Like... really? you had to actually go and register to pick one side: Cheech - or Chong? 

I almost wish we could burn the whole system down and start from a new. 

In my libertarian utopia we would go back to the mid 1800s. Back then - we didn't have government issued ID's. 

Some people point out that the left wing and right wing are attached to the same bird that's flying inevitably towards the shithole dystopia we're definitely heading for. 

So - the way I see it- based off of public opinion (in the year 2022) if you're a democrat.. you're a good virtuous person (oh.. and you're totally not racist or a bigot)

But if you're a republican it means you're a racist white supremacist who wants to tattoo gay peoples foreheads.

It's all bullshit nonsense. And I can't believe people keep falling for it. 

I'm a millennial. And most millennials have never voted - because they ain't falling for this bullshit. The shit the world is capable of doing in the age of technology has gotten so dystopian that - why should we believe that some douchebag president will make a difference? 

and apparently Obama deported more illegals than trump. So.. every president just keeps getting worse. 

I wish we could elect a blow-up doll as president. I wouldn't be surprised if they did it. The country has been gaslighted and demoralized for so long that if - in 2024- a blow up doll ran for president - not only would people ignore it - but people would show their support for it on facebook. 

I wonder what the year 2030 will be like? I bet its gonna be a dystopian shithole.

And what lies ahead for the future of the left-right paradigm?

I predict it won't even exist in 50 years. They'll pull the rug out from under us and go "haha.. idiots.. you fell for it. it was all made up. every president is a puppet on our strings. Now enjoy absolutely no rights or liberties. Back to the factory you fucking slave" 

I often wish we could unite the races. It really bums me out that blacks and whites are at each others throats again. It pisses me off that blacks fall for the obvious trickery so easy - but it ALSO pisses me off that whites get so upset over racial politics.

How can people not see that all of this racial politics horse-shit is specifically designed to have us fighting each other as the world inevitably devolves into a dystopian shithole?

Anyways.. that's all for today. I once again wrote this really fast without backspacing or rethinking anything over.




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